Understanding the different Brain parts and how they work

Understanding the different Brain parts and how they work:

Clicking the amygdala becomes an easy process once you become aware of your different brain parts and how they function.

The 4 basic brain parts you need to know about are:

  1. The Reptile Brain
  2. The Mammal Brain
  3. The Frontal Lobes and
  4. The Amygdala.


The triune brain is a description of the human brain as discovered and defined by Dr. Paul MacLean, formerly of the National Institute of Mental Health and director of the Laboratory of Brain Evolution and Behavior.
The human triune brain is three brains all interconnected, yet each part has its own distinct function.
The human brain is made up of:
1) The innermost core brain and stem called the reptile brain
2) On top of this is the mammal brain, or limbic system
3) Surrounding these two parts is the primate brain and frontal lobes


The reptile brain is that part of our brain which is like the brains of snakes, lizards, turtles, extinct dinosaurs, and other reptiles. It allows us to function on the same level as those animals. It is evolutionary the oldest part of our brain.
The reptile brain computes basic survival. It regulates the primitive functions
of our behavior and body such as self-defense and counter-attack mechanisms, and
the automatic “flight or fight” response. It is involved in regulating your heart rate and breathing.

The reptile brain computes “me me ME!” type behavior.


The mammal brain is also known as the old mammal brain or the paleo-mammalian brain, or the limbic system.It adds on the primitive reptile brain core the processes of emotions, social behaviors and basic nurturing.

Together with the reptile brain, it resembles the brain of other mammals and allows us to function on the same level as mammals such as dogs and cats.

When we feel good or bad the mammal portion of our brain is that part of our brain which computes these feelings, emotions and sensations.

A mammal brain goes back and forth between reptilian self defense/ counter attack behavior and higher mammal social co-operative behavior.A mammal brain flicks back and forth between reptilian reactions and social cooperative actions like a broken light switch that flicks on and off in the wind. It experiences pleasant emotions when things in the environment are going smoothly, painful and negative emotions when things get rough- and not much control over either. Just like before you learn brain self-control.


The primate brain is also known as the new mammal brain or neo-mammalian brain. It computes higher refinements of old mammal brain thought and behavior. It takes social, family, emotional, and play processes to a much greater and complex expression.
The advanced primate brain in human brains computes things like language, music, art, math, refined motor skills, and ideas.
The entire front portion of the primate brain, the frontal lobes, compute creativity, planning, foresight, imagination, concepts of time, synthesis of abstract ideas, and insight. The frontal lobes allow us to be concerned with things entirely outside ourselves and our immediate environment. It is the human frontal lobes which allows us the highest level of reason, organization, and complex behaviors among all animals.
The frontal lobes are the most advanced part of the brain, and in humans are proportionally larger than in any other animals .The human frontal lobes truly set us apart in behavior and thinking from all other primates.
The frontal lobes predict and solve the problems of life before they happen. Frontal lobes thought processes go way beyond pure reptilian brain reactions. The advanced ability to predict and solve problems in the human frontal lobes is responsible for the transcendence experience.


Inside the mammal brain, a part of the mammal brain, is an organ called THE AMYGDALA. There are two amygdalae in your brain, one inside the left hemisphere of your
brain and one inside the right hemisphere. Each amygdala resembles somewhat the shape and size of a small nut, a walnut perhaps.
You can stimulate your brain, including the amygdala by using thought.
The amygdala is a “click switch” that turns on either the frontal lobes intuitive intelligence pleasure or the reptile brain self defense/ counter attack emotional pain.

Stimulation or use of the posterior amygdala (back portion) causes discomfort, paranoia, fear, rage, and emotional pain: negative nirvana and anti-transcendence.

Stimulation and use of the anterior amygdala (front portion) causes pleasure and peace of mind: the transcendence feeling.

If you click your amygdala forward you get the equation:
Creativity + Cooperation + Intelligence = Pleasure.

Pleasure is the result of frontal lobes creative cooperative intelligence.

If you click your amygdala backward you get the equation:
Non-thinking + Reactive Behavior + Self-Defense/Counter-Attack = Pain.



Frontal lobes thought production does not make a person oblivious to dangerous or threatening situations. Your frontal lobes allow you to stay a step ahead of the game. You are able to more intelligently act in your own best interest.

The development of higher than average intelligence- genius creativity and super intelligence is a natural result of popping your frontal lobes.

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